Our Chicago Lawyers Aggressively Advocate For Our Clients

And Seek Justice For Their Injuries

Michael Kosner and Jay Paul Deratany

Addressing Concerns About Social Services Neglect And Abuse

If you or a loved one have experienced the distressing impact of neglect or abuse by social services, you’re not alone in your search for answers and justice. At Deratany & Kosner, our legal team understands the depth of your concerns and the urgency of your situation.

We are dedicated to championing your cause and ensuring your voice is heard in the face of social services negligence. Our firm’s commitment to pursuing justice is unwavering, as we bring over a century of collective experience to every case we handle.

Here are answers to some of the questions we receive most often when facing social services abuse and negligence.

How Does Social Services Abuse Or Neglect Happen?

Nationwide, social services agencies are exhausted by a demanding workload that can, unfortunately, lead to neglectful decision-making or oversights. In some cases, the social services agency may contract out the work, such as placing a foster child, potentially leading to grave consequences when background checks are not conducted. When children or families get hurt, it is usually because the foster care agency:

  • Did not complete necessary background checks.
  • Did not properly monitor the homes.
  • Did not investigate reports of suspected child abuse or neglect.
  • Did not act when there is evidence of abuse or neglect.
  • Placed children with people who are not able to care for them due to physical or financial difficulties.

Often, this can lead to long-term challenges for children and their caregivers. Seeking support is an essential part of finding a solution.

What Are Examples Of Abuse And Neglect?

Abuse can take various forms, including:

  • Physical abuse: Striking, kicking or shaking a child, burning, scalding or throwing objects at a child.
  • Emotional/psychological abuse: Constant criticism, belittling, making threats and withholding love.
  • Sexual abuse: Sexual intercourse, fondling, indecent exposure, showing pornography and discussions about sex with a child.

Neglect can manifest in several ways, such as:

  • Physical neglect: Being denied adequate food, clothing and shelter, leaving a child alone and inadequate supervision.
  • Emotional/psychological neglect: Ignoring a child, refusing to show affection, humiliating and isolating a child.
  • Medical neglect: Failing to get needed emergency care, ignoring medical advice and neglecting dental care.
  • Educational neglect: A child not registered in school or allowed to attend school.

While there may be clear signs of abuse or neglect, children are often told not to report these issues. In many cases, the symptoms of abuse or neglect may be more subtle, such as shifts in personality or changes in sleep patterns.

What Happens When The Suspected Abuse Or Neglect Of A Child Is Reported?

When a report of suspected abuse is received, social workers investigate and involve the police if necessary. If abuse or neglect is confirmed, the child may be removed from the home.

Do Children Who Were Abused Or Neglected Have Special Needs?

Yes, they often require more intense services and support, and foster families must have specific skills to help them.

Why Are Children Placed In Foster Care?

Children are placed in foster care when their birth parents or legal guardians are no longer able to care for them or if they are in danger of harm by staying.

What Are The Requirements For Being A Foster Parent?

Foster parents must be 21 years old, financially stable, have completed training and pass background checks.

What Kind Of Background Checks Must Be Done On Foster Parents?

Illinois requires thorough background checks, including state or local criminal records, federal criminal records and fingerprinting.

Don’t Wait For Answers – Contact Us Today

Your journey toward justice begins here. At Deratany & Kosner, our lawyers are here to support you, whether you’re in Chicago or anywhere nationwide. We offer a free consultation to discuss your case, so don’t hesitate to reach out. Call us at 312-815-6231 or contact us online to take the first step toward the resolution you deserve. Your story matters; we are here to help you make it right.